Min Namgung

University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN, USA


Kenneth H. Keller Hall,

200 Union St SE,

Minneapolis, MN 55455

I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Minnesota (UMN) and I am a member of Knowledge Computing lab advised by prof. Yao-Yi Chiang. My research focuses on building spatial artificial intelligence and constructing deep learning models on large sets of real-world spatial data.

Currently, I am working on multimodal region representation learning to understand the relationship between geospatial data (e.g., satellite imagery or geometry data) and between regions and forecasting fine-grained data by constructing a deep learning-based model to explore spatiotemporal dependencies.

Previously, I received a B.S. and M.S. degree in Computer Sciecne & Engineering department from the Purdue University Fort Wayne, advised by prof. Jin Soung Yoo. Also, I was a member of Business Intelligence and Information Management Lab advised by prof. Adolfo Coronado.


Oct 12, 2024 I won ACM SIGSPAITAL 2024 travel grant award! & I will co-organize SpatialW & DEI event at ACM SIGSPATIAL
April. 3, 2024 I will start my summer research internship at UrbanAI group @ Oak Ridge National Lab✨
Sept. 8, 2023 Our demo paper is accepted in SIGSPATIAL 2023!✨
June 7, 2023 I won 1st-place Best Paper Award in UCGIS 2023!
Oct 21, 2022 I won Best PC/ Reviewers in CIKM 2022!